Catholic social teaching emerges from the truth of what God has revealed to us about himself. The teachings are based on a belief in the triune God whose very nature is communal and social. God the Father sends his only Son Jesus Christ and shares the Holy Spirit as his gift of love. God reveals God’s-self to us as one who is not alone, but rather as one who is relational. Therefore, we who are made in God's image share this communal, social nature and are therefore called to reach out and to build relationships of love and justice.
Catholic social teaching is further based on and inseparable from our understanding of human life and human dignity. Every human being is created in the image of God and redeemed by Jesus Christ, and therefore is invaluable and worthy of respect as a member of the human family. Every person, from the moment of conception to natural death, has inherent dignity and a right to life consistent with that dignity. Hence, human dignity comes from God, not from any human quality or accomplishment.
Seven Themes of Catholic Social Teaching